Project Facts
Pinnacle International
Toronto, ON
Completed 2016
509,000 Sq. Ft.
The Pinnacle on Adelaide is situated along the John Street Cultural Corridor, which links many of Toronto’s most vibrant institutions. The 46-storey building’s public square enhances the pedestrian realm by providing space for impromptu gatherings or cultural programming. Enveloping the plaza, the 10-storey podium will contain ground floor retail, restaurants, a boutique hotel, and condo amenities. In order to preserve an 1860's brick house and create space for the square, the structure was moved south of its original location and placed adjacent to another heritage property, further enlivening the streetscape and creating a sense of openness among the built-up surroundings. The tower deviates from a rectangular form by curving downwards in a slight wedge shape along the Adelaide Street façade. Creating an interesting backdrop for the public plaza, the mass of the podium is broken by a geometric interplay between windows, balconies, and support structures.
Project Facts
Pinnacle International
Toronto, ON
Completed 2016
509,000 Sq. Ft.

Physical Model Study

Physical Model Study

The 46-storey tower is a visual landmark in Toronto’s entertainment district, adding 564 residential units and bringing a strong sense of community to the bustling neighbourhood.
The 46-storey tower is a visual landmark in Toronto’s entertainment district, adding 564 residential units and bringing a strong sense of community to the bustling neighbourhood.

The slate grey masonry of the podium and blue-tinted glass of the tower contrasts with the warm brick and terra cotta of adjacent buildings.
The slate grey masonry of the podium and blue-tinted glass of the tower contrasts with the warm brick and terra cotta of adjacent buildings.
The design of the building, situated in a neighbourhood of 19th century warehouses and next to two similarly tall towers, responds to its context in a way that seamlessly integrates the contemporary tower.

The design of the building, situated in a neighbourhood of 19th century warehouses and next to two similarly tall towers, responds to its context in a way that seamlessly integrates the contemporary tower.