Project Facts
Oxford Properties
Mississauga, ON
In Progress
18 Million Sq. Ft.
Set to become the largest mixed-use development in Canadian history, the Square One District will bring a detailed framework for the development of the Square One Shopping Centre and its surrounding lands. As a continuation of past planning and design efforts, the HPA-led master plan will deliver on the vision of revitalizing the shopping centre and intensifying the 130-acre site with 37 new towers. Envisioned as an expansion to this vibrant community and mobility hub, the project will transform underdeveloped blocks into a dynamic and interconnected urban environment by adding new parks, residential, retail, and commercial spaces enveloped by pedestrian-oriented streets.
Central to the project is a new urban environment called the Strand―a well-connected, walkable, mixed-use precinct will revitalize the northern edge of the site and establish a new focus with a mix of employment, housing, retail, and civic uses. Several proposed residential and office towers and retail developments will enable an activated street experience and a new employment hub. Enhanced mobility access is created by placing transit as a focal point, with the anticipation of light rail transit and bus rapid transit being introduced in the near future. The mixed-use nature of the site, along with the new transportation infrastructure, will help build this employment base by attracting businesses and workers who seek an urban environment with a thriving and sustainable commercial core.

The Master Plan focuses on the intensification of land uses surrounding the Square One Shopping Centre. The project aims to redevelop this area through urban design principles consistent with the ideas and goals behind the Downtown 21 Master Plan, published by the City of Mississauga in 2010.
Project Facts
Oxford Properties
Mississauga, ON
In Progress
18 Million Sq. Ft.
Recent Press

This Master Plan sets out to provide a seamless integration of the existing Shopping Centre while connecting the wider limits of the site with new retail opportunities and retail-centred street activation.
This Master Plan sets out to provide a seamless integration of the existing Shopping Centre while connecting the wider limits of the site with new retail opportunities and retail-centred street activation.

The rapid pace of growth in this area demands a long-term, innovative plan for mobility access. Enhancing access to, from, and within the site will help strengthen the city’s position as a primary destination for living and working in the Greater Toronto Area.
The rapid pace of growth in this area demands a long-term, innovative plan for mobility access. Enhancing access to, from, and within the site will help strengthen the city’s position as a primary destination for living and working in the Greater Toronto Area.

'The Strand' will be a well-connected, pedestrian-orientated, and mixed-use precinct that revitalizes the northern edge of the site and establishes a new focus with a mix of employment, housing, retail, and civic uses.
'The Strand' will be a well-connected, pedestrian-orientated, and mixed-use precinct that revitalizes the northern edge of the site and establishes a new focus with a mix of employment, housing, retail, and civic uses.