Project Facts
City of Pickering
Pickering, ON
In Progress
40,000 Sq.Ft.
Siamak Hariri
The new Pickering Museum Village explores the intersection of memory institutions - museum, library, gallery and archive - into an integrated, dynamic, facility which will serve as a community gathering place and gateway to the existing components. Located adjacent to a ravine, the building is positioned to be sensitive to the natural ecology of the site while opening up views in all directions to the surrounding landscape. The proposed design connects the various environmentally controlled programmatic space around a central spine bathed in light and featuring views to adjacent storm gardens. The sustainably sourced materials selected for the building are inspired by existing heritage buildings located in the Village: naturally-aged, weathered, wood and dry-stacked field stone. User engagement has been critical to the design process and a successful project will be an attraction for the local community and visitors alike.
Project Facts
City of Pickering
Pickering, ON
In Progress
40,000 Sq.Ft.
Siamak Hariri

Original sketches by Siamak Hariri.

Original sketches by Siamak Hariri.

The building’s design prioritizes flexible spaces that will adapt to support changing uses over time.

The building’s design prioritizes flexible spaces that will adapt to support changing uses over time.

As the first new community centre in Pickering in nearly twenty years, the project will encompass the city’s rich heritage and serve the community for generations to come.

As the first new community centre in Pickering in nearly twenty years, the project will encompass the city’s rich heritage and serve the community for generations to come.